Nov 20, 2006 23:41
hello strangers!
I thought I should update, as it's been 4 months. They were fairly uneventful months, which is the main reason for the lack of writing. But his week things have started to perk up a bit, so I guess it's time to fill you all in.
Firstly, for those that didn't already know, Denis and I have moved. We are now on Aldersbrook Cr near Fanshawe and Wonderland - walking distance from Starbucks! We have a basement all to ourselves. Lots of room which we are endeavouring to decorate - slowly. We've spent some quality time and money at Ikea, now we're just trying to fill in the spaces with our own touches.
Denis has settled into his new(est) job nicely, after a bumpy experience being laid off twice within 2 weeks. He is now a Xerox technical associate. Need your Xerox machine fixed? He's your man. Last week and this week he has been/is in Markham for corporate training. Exciting. *yawn* <---Denis
As for my own work situation, I am finally done with dealing with people's g-ddmn credit cards. I hate Capital One. They suck. Seriously. At least the American side does. Can you imagine a workplace where you can't have a single scrap of paper? I can. I lived it. And Capital One preys on people's stupidity and oversights. ANYWAY. As I said, I am done with that crap, I got transferred to a different, better department! I now do customer satisfaction surveys for the roadside assistance centre, as well as taking inbound calls for people calling in sick to Chrysler plants all across North America, send out those AIG life insurance packages advertised on tv, take donations for the Heart and Stroke Foundation and Canadian Cancer Society, and provide law advice referrals. Along with several other things. All in the same day! Whoa!
So that is about all for my/our life/lives. I promise to post more often in the future!