Jun 07, 2008 23:46
My brother fucked up my internet! He is such a loser that only thinks about himself. Thank god that Danny is going to come and fix it.
Since I have nothing better to do because there is not internet in the house, I will tell you of my adventures today. I started today looking up all the addresses of anime places around my dorm and in my excitement I decided that this would be the perfect day to go biking around in search for strawberry glasses. For those who have not/do not wish to watch Nana, the strawberry glasses are symbolic of the bond between the two Nanas and are particularly cute too. I really want one to use in Berkley as my cup for everything. But the Demon Lord did to agree with my plans and after getting myself already to go out and cleaning my bike I found that my tire has a hole in it. There goes biking today but my mother offered me a ride to Tuesday Morning on her way to the gym and so I went off in search of the perfect strawberry cup. Tuesday Morning had really cute pineapple cups and Gemini cup holder things that I was tempted to get for Katie but not strawberries to be found other than in a candle scent. In the same parking lot center area was a CVS and a Vons which both were promising with summer session gear but for some reason the strawberries where just not the hit fruit this season though there was some pretty cute watermelon cups.
Next I walked across the street with ‘I will Posses Your Heart’ by Death Cab for Cutie blasting on my mp3 player. Note that this song has an awesome intro but its so long that the lyrics didn’t even start until I was already at my destination that I sought, Pier 1. I look to my right and I see them! Red spots of glory on regular cups and yet as I get closer I realized that I was deceived but those tricky clearance stickers. Damn you clearance stickers! Cute patriotic glasses to the left and tropical fish in front but once again we are lacking in the fruit of choice. Amazing furniture but Pier 1 lacks in the glassware selection though there are the classic clear glasses for $2 if I need to make my precious glass. I make my way down harbor toward the freeway passing all the car dealerships to try my luck at the Japanese store. If not glasses then there should be at least some cool Nana merchandise. I love the store for all the eye candy but its so hard to navigate and they have the manga in the random shit order. They have up to Nana 10 which is not even the end of the anime, how disappointing. I found plenty of things that I would buy for others but none of the Nana goodies that I was expecting. There are some cute strawberry magnets that look like the strawberries on the Nana glass but no glasses. Since Target was in the same center I went over there to check out the glasses. I was pretty impressed with the plain plastic glasses that looked like they were glass but not, $3. But once again , why NOT strawberries? Fruit in general, yes but strawberries are never left alone. I was thinking that maybe the Nana glass design is too retro for regular stores which I would look up but Ha .. no internet.
After Target, I walked across the street to the Rite Aid listening to Rose by Anna (which made me more determined to find my cup) but realized that CVS and Rite Aid have practically identical seasonal items. Who knew? Though I suppose it could have been expected, right? From the Rite Aid I traveled up Harbor to Baker to try my chances at getting the Nana manga I sought used at Book off. Though I’m always impressed by their selection, Nana 7 was the last one available. I wandered a little and found the Nana Best CD for only $20 which I decide with Rebecca’s help was an awesome buy for an import. Yay! I made a Nana purchase! Its such a pretty cd. I would be listening to it now but I found that the wanna be red box at Vons had ‘the Jane Austen book Club’ in it so I’m making copies cuz Katie has to see it and I bet Rebecca will want to see it too .. hell maybe Kaylin would even be amuse by part of it … maybe. I loved this movie so much when it was in theatres.
But I digress, after Book off I went to try my luck at the muriaki grocery store in the same parking lot. I was sure that if the glasses were to found any where it would be here. So many cute cups and glasses of all sorts and I carefully combed through them all. Sadly my dream cup was not there but I wasn’t too down about it. How can you be depressed when you got Gideon blasting on your mp3 player? It took all my will power not to start dancing in the middle of the street. *laughs* after this I had a pleasantly exhausting walk home. I’m so glad I went walking; I haven’t been this physically tired for a while. Well, maybe not since swimming laps in Kaylin’s pool was pretty exhausting too. Mmm .. I can’t wait til Berkley. It gonna be like this everyday except with no annoying bothers to fuck up my internet.