Jul 26, 2035 17:07
Well its about time for me to make my formal anouncment of return to sackville.
Im returning to sackville, for a short time but a return none the less.
Im really looking forward to coming home for this leave, the calander is already filling up quick sunday evening the weekend i get back im thinking small BBQ and fire in my backyard, if your reading this its an invite just so you know. The next weekend is by birthday weekend. im going simple. Night of partying at the ale house. Was going to have it at my place, but it has the logistical problems of parents.
Cant wait for the camping weekend, it should be good times for sure. Even better if i can convince any of you to go real camping.
I thought i might have some more in my mind to write and make an actual half decent post but its kinda running dry. I should have done this tomorow after george street fest, ah well i guess you will have to imagine what i would write about it. If i take any pictures it would be easier i supose...maybe i actually will tonight.
(another note, i am upset at the LJ lack of Fantastic in the mood section, i had to use the next closest alphabetical entry)