Jan 22, 2005 21:36
well the snow has basically stopped. which really sucks cause we didnt get NEARLY as much as they said we got about 2 and they said we were sposed to get about 3-6. so eff them for making a bunch of innocent kids cry. we are sposed to get a lil bit tomorrow. so i hope it at least covers the roads so school will be cancelled. cause who likes school hmm might i ask? well for the rest of today i went out n played in the snow before it started sleeting. thats just gay to play in the sleet. well ne who i then came in and sat around for the entire day i was online about the whole day but didnt talk cause im that boring. well then dinner time rolled over and so i ate dinner. and then i watched some real world/road rules challenge shows. ive seen em about 5 times now. well then i came on and talked some more that was my day. dad has been gone the whole day cause hes getting paid $20 per hour to snow plow how easy. i cant wait till he comes back. well that basically sums up the day. later.