Must Be a Wolf Thing: Chapter 1

Aug 14, 2010 04:45

Title: Must Be a Wolf Thing
Rating: NC-17 (for this chapter)
Chapter: 1 of 10
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters
Pairing: Santana/Rachel, Brittany/Quinn, hinted Brittany/Santana, Rachel/Quinn
A/N: Ok so I've been working on this for awhile and I never really expected to post it, but I guess it wouldn't hurt. It's kinda like a Twilight/Glee crossover, but not really. None of the characters from Twilight are in it, it's more of the idea crossed over with Glee. Ok so yeah, I also did some photoart, but it's not very good, again oh well. Hope you like it, and please don't through tomatoes if you hate it, just say so and I won't post no more :]
A/N 2: Also it's my first time writing probably will never happen again.

It was one of Puck’s random parties that got them in this mess. Puck can’t take all the blame, Santana will graciously place some of the blame on her father. Now you might ask why, well that’s because he graciously passed down a trait she did not want. She witnessed the trait in her father, then saw it in her older brother Daniel, and when she was old enough to understand, she realized that not only was it her family that had the trait, but the Fabray’s as well. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that one day when she got so angry she found herself full of fur with razor sharp canines, but it did surprise her. It was such a shock that she phased back to a human in less than ten seconds of phasing to a wolf. That wasn’t the only thing that shocked her then though. When she reverted back to being human she found herself clad naked. She was just glad she had pissed her dad off enough to make him leave, her brother following him.

That was seven years ago. But that wasn’t the only big shocker Santana got that came with the trait her father had graciously passed down to her. She was with Brittany one day, they were making out on her bed when she got a funny feeling in her pants. She dismissed it as being horny, because she was 13 what was she supposed to know, well she was wrong. When Brittany made the comment “what’s that hard thing pressed against my leg?” it prompted Santana to look down and found herself straddling Brittany’s leg, she was thoroughly confused. So like the naïve 13 year old she was she replied that it was her leg and they went back to making out. When it started to progress to something farther than they’ve ever gone, that feeling Santana got, was back with a full force, and when she came in contact with Brittany’s clad breast for the first time, she couldn’t stifle the moan like she normally could. Brittany didn’t seem to care about that though, what she cared about was what kept rubbing against her leg that was so hard. Well Santana got a little pissed and told her to stay there while she went to the bathroom. When she pulled down her pants, she wasn’t meet with what she normally has, which is a hairless vagina, no she was meet with an erect penis, that was lightly twitching with desire. To say she was shocked was an understatement, and some would say her scream wasn’t necessary, but she found that in this situation, it was completely necessary.

Santana hid it from Brittany. When she questioned her scream, it was easily shrugged off as seeing a bug. But later, when Brittany had left, Santana stomped her way up to her parent’s bedroom, and demanded to talk to her dad. And after some blushing, yelling, sighs, and something muttered under his breath, Santana’s dad told her that wolves are made to reproduce, and while it’s highly unusual, but if a female wolf finds a female mate, her sex organs will change to fit the female organs of her mate. Santana found this confusing, but just shrugged it off, and concluded that Brittany must be her mate, and she can deal with that.

The next shock that brought the birth of Santana’s scowls was when she was introduced to Quinn Fabray, Russell Fabray’s only child with the wolf trait. It started off as a good friendship. They were the only ones they could confide in with wolf problems, so that automatically raised friendship points, but when Santana’s 14th birthday party brought Brittany, and Quinn to meet for the first time, something snapped in Santana and the scowl was born. Quinn had immediately clicked with Brittany, but that wasn’t hard to believe, Brittany clicked with everyone that was not, however, the reason that birthed the famous Santana scowls. It was later in the evening after everyone had left that Quinn had confided in her that she must have a female mate. This brought the scowl onto Santana’s face, because the only female she had seen Quinn with was Brittany. After nearly an hour of anger being directed at the blonde, she had finally told her that she thought it was Rachel. Rachel Berry, aka the biggest loser in their school. Santana felt better knowing this, but there was still some part of her that wanted to rip Quinn’s head off.

It was then that summer that Santana would go to her Abuelita’s for a month in the summer to learn control. While she was pissed that she would be gone for a month, she was glad to be able to get a handle on what the hell was going on with her.

Of course that control was thrown out the window at Puck’s random party. She had initially not wanted to go, but Brittany through a pout her way, and before she knew it she was strutting through the front door, 4 drinks already down, and a tequila shot contest winner under her belt. It’s now that she’s beginning to think those drinks plus those shots weren’t a good idea. While she is wasted, the wolf inside is not however. How that works out, she has no idea. But when she finds herself grinding behind a girl that is very much not Brittany, the wolf inside does not mind at all, in fact, it feels natural. Something that would have scared her, but the alcohol has hazed her mind to much to give two shits.

She spots two different shades of blonde hair mixing on the dance floor, but she doesn’t give them much thought when her little ‘partner’ decides to make himself appear. To her amazement, the brunette that’s grinding on her doesn’t seem to care, instead a hand is placed in hers and she’s letting herself be lead up the stairs.

It wasn’t until her shirt, and pants where on the floor piled on top of the other girl’s shirt, bra, and skirt, that she finally figures out who the hell she’s with. Even when she realizes that she’s making out with Rachel Berry, half naked, and no doubt about to fuck her, she doesn’t stop herself. Of course her mind is screaming for her body to stop, but her body is full of alcohol, meaning Mr. Wolf gets to come out and play.

“I’ve never…”

“Me either.” Santana’s not too sure what they’re talking about, but she figures it has something to do with virginity. She only figures this because once she rid herself of her boxer briefs, and Rachel’s white panties, she thrusted herself in and found it incredibly tight. She could’ve came at that very sensation, but she was to new to this, and to shit faced to care. But she cared enough to wait until tan hips bucked up against her, to start moving.

It didn’t take many thrusts for Santana to reach a point, where she knew what the feeling was.

“I’m coming…”

“Me too.” Santana’s surprised she heard it, considering her face is buried in a tan neck, and arms are wrapped around her neck. In a complete moment of ecstasy Santana felt that last thread of control she had over the wolf snap. Now the sex crazed animal is lose, and Rachel is the prey.

Santana didn’t wait for Rachel to get over the orgasm before sliding all the way out of her and ramming her 8-inch cock into her dripping wet cunt. Rachel gave a groan of pain and pleasure, while Santana through her head back and lived in the moment of complete bliss. When the muscles stopped clenching around her cock and Rachel started moving her hips around Santana let out a growl before gripping tan hips and pulling all the way out till the tip was just barely inside her before thrusting herself back in. Rachel gripped the blankets underneath her and turned her head into the pillow to help muffle some of the screams that wanted to come out. Santana took this as a challenge and continued pulling all the way out and ramming all the way back in till the base of her cock slapped Rachel’s cunt. It was a slow rhythm but it gave them the pleasure of the first thrust each time. That is until Rachel’s cunt got to wet and Santana was sliding in and out way to easy. This is when Santana flipped the diva onto her stomach and growled for her to hold onto something before lifting her ass in the air and pounding into her from behind as hard as she could. Rachel still fought to keep the moans from not getting to loud, even going as far as to bite down on the pillow, but when she felt Santana lean over her, with her breasts, slick with sweat, stick to her back, and a hot mouth nip at her neck where it meets shoulder she let out a loud moan that echoed off the thin walls. Santana smirked through her drunken state and pounded even faster into the no longer virgin’s cunt.

Santana flipped her over onto her back again and grabbed hold of one leg before throwing it over her shoulder, and doing the same with the other leg, once she began thrusting in she let out another deep growl when she found she could go even deeper, and judging from the moans and requests of ”yeah right there” she was hitting the right spot, and it wasn’t long until she felt Rachel’s walls clench down on her so tightly that she couldn’t hold out any longer and let the sea of semen flow from her cock to her cunt.

It doesn’t stop there before Santana’s flipping them so she’s laying on her back and letting Rachel ride her. With her hands resting on a toned stomach, she uses that to push off and thrust back down on her. Santana doesn’t seem pleased with the slow rhythm and starts to meet Rachel’s thrust half way. Rachel goes up, Santana pulls out, Rachel goes down, Santana goes up. It’s perfect and it feels great but Santana wants more, or rather the wolf within her does. She scoots till she’s at the edge of the bed and gets momentarily distracted by Rachel thrusting down into her lap, making her grip her hips and giving them a steady rhythm. The Latina throws her head back with a moan, exposing her throat for Rachel, who quickly dives in and returns her own love bites. Santana gives a growl and stands, Rachel’s legs automatically wrap around her waist, and Santana walks them over to a wall where she attacks Rachel’s neck in a fiery of bites and soothing licks, all the while pounding her against the wall of one of Puck’s rooms.

With one last grunt Santana feels her climax coming and when Rachel screams out, she doesn’t stop again, instead she moves them back to the bed and with Rachel on her back Santana continues to pound at the sensitive flesh. She doesn’t stop, and by the way Rachel’s legs tighten around her hips it doesn’t seem like she wants her to, not anytime soon anyway. It gets better when Rachel throws one leg over Santana’s shoulder and rolls onto her side. Santana can go even deeper into her, and she keeps hitting Rachel’s G-spot each time she thrusts. It isn’t long before Rachel is screaming Santana’s name again. And with one last thrust into her Santana comes with her own scream. She waits till the twitching in her cock ends before collapsing down on the smaller girl beneath her careful not to squash her of course.

She lays there until she can catch some sort of her breath before rolling onto her side and sliding out of Rachel, exciting a groan from the shear soreness she didn’t feel in her drunken haze. Santana stays lying on her back and doesn’t object when Rachel rolls over next to her and cuddles into her side. She reaches out blindly for a sheet that isn’t full of their cum. And soon finds one next to her side of the bed and pulls it over the top of them before letting sleep finally consume her.

When Santana wakes up the next morning she knows she’s fucked. She remembers bits and pieces of things, most of which what the wolf lived, but when she hears a groan, and lavender and something tropical suddenly floods her senses she doesn’t have to guess what she did wrong; it’s still sleeping right next to her. Her brunette head tucked perfectly under her chin, with one arm thrown over her waist, while her arm is wrapped around tan shoulders.

“Oh fuck.” Santana starts to push the curtain of hair away from the face, and when it’s gone she lets out a scream and nearly flies out of bed. The body of Rachel Berry scrambles for blankets and manages to catch some to keep around herself.

It really doesn’t help that Santana still isn’t fully sober, and the wolf is finding Rachel Berry bed hair extremely sexy.

“Wh-what?” Santana lets Rachel come out of her sleep haze, while she nearly has a heart attack in the chair next to the bed, with sheets, that she really doesn’t want to be using, covering her body.

“Oh my god…we didn’t.”

“Oh fuck I fucked Rachel Berry!” A hand flew to tangle in dark locks, causing some of the sheet to dip, and chocolate eyes to follow the path that was exposed.

“Ay dios mi I lost my virginity to Rachel Berry!”

“Wh-wait. You were a virgin?” Santana didn’t know whether to feel offended by Rachel’s surprise, or proud for the fact that she had rendered the normally talkative diva speechless.

“Yes Berry. Believe it or not.” She ran another hand through her messy hair, dark eyes scanning the room for her clothes.

“Well you’re not the only one that lost it.” Santana tensed mid bend. Now she didn’t know whether to feel bad about taking the girl’s virginity in a drunken slur, or proud that she had.

“Yeah.” Instead she’ll just stay quiet, and put her clothes back on. She was just in the process of slipping a shirt back on when she got an overwhelming urge of nausea.

With a hand clamped over her mouth the Latina raced from the room. She through open the first door she found and immediately wished she hadn’t. Inside the room was no bathroom, it was in fact a bedroom, and it was currently occupied. By no other than Quinn and Brittany, who appeared to have been in the same position as herself and Rachel had been.

She must’ve stayed there longer than she originally thought, because Rachel was now next to her, sheet still drawn up to her chest, while Quinn and Brittany roused from their sleep, only to stumble away from each other, and let out tiny screams when they saw they had an audience.

“Santana? Rachel?” Quinn squinted her hazel eyes to get a better look, causing Rachel to move more behind the Latina, which didn’t settle well with the blonde.

“Oh my god you slept with Rachel!?”

“You slept with Brittany!”

“I was drunk!”

“So was I!” Rachel was getting a fleeting feeling that she might be missing something.

fandom: original, pairing: santana/rachel, pairing: brittany/quinn, fandom: glee

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