Heyyy, have not updated this in a while because I have nothing worth writing down and having other people read. But I get bored so whatevers.
I started at COD and it is definitely High School part two. In some ways I enjoy it, and in some ways I dislike it. I'm really just there to get my stuff done and do what I have to do. In high school it was easy to pay attention to what other people are doing, but in college you can pretty just brush idiots off and just do your thing. So it's pretty cool. There's definitely a homosexual kid in front of me in my 20th century history class, that spends the entirety of the class surfing facebook, the dolce and gabana website, and kylie minogue's website. But he seems pretty nice. I can still get laughs out of him when he talks to people on AIM with the names "YeahForBois" and "HotMechanic". He-he.
Still working at Brookstone and it's closing in at a year and a half. I also have a love/hate relationship with that place. It's too easy to fucking quit but at the same time whenever I'm there I feel this close [ ] to losing my mind.
New cell phone number 1-630-888-9669
New Hair Cut
And I definitely am missing summer already.
The new Fucked Up record is awesome.