Tonight consisted of:
- going to Barnes and Noble with Hawk. NOT getting my sex/"you're ugly and fat" magazine...Cosmopolitan.
- Meeting Hawk. Cool kid =)
- Locking my brother out out of the house, but still having him cover for me when I broke curfew.
- Persuading Josh to come out, even though his heart hurt.
- Totally busting into the bathroom when Josh was a-showering. hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha
- Meeting Jessica [aka "Matt's Girlfriend"]. Awww, she's so sweet lol
- Trying to find this girl's house, driving around in circles in the cul-de-sac, until her father came out to meet us because she's only thirteen[!], then Hawk speeding off because he got scared. Classic.
- Josh singing Eminem lyrics to a fat lady who said she was a police woman and who yelled at us. Then Hawk being all bitchy to her. I WAS THE ONLY NICE PERSON THERE. I was all, "ma'am" and "I'm sincerely sorry." You guys could so learn from me.
- Dodging my curfew, MIRACULOUSLY. My mom called me when I was 10 mins late and said..."you're late.come home now." Hung up, then didn't call back. SHE FELL ASLEEP!w00t!
If I forgot anything, oh well. Goodnight <3
[edit: Matt broke Hawk's car antenna pulling on the e-brake from the sunroof. Hahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha what a fucking gymnast.]