well finally after this month of heartache and no fun...(jp) my iPod has arrived..i layed with it all day hence why i totally forgot about football...and was constantly on-line and off-line..
well it is personalized and so so mini...there r some bugs though such as not knowing how 2 put a cd right onto the hard drive but...i know how 2 do it it just doesnt work becuz instead of the cd opening in iTunes it opens in Windows Media Player..what a load of shit!!
well no work tomorrow cuz they changed the 1-9 schedule from 7-3 and i must watch the lil one so therefore @ 1ish i may be chillin with the k.kins!!!
possibly we could...
- pick up a. simpson new cd perhaps (ker u love that idea lol)
- eat marios and then run off what we just ate!!! [chicken parmigianna pizza!!! ]
and nigel is good...u mite ask who the f**k is nigel well look one or two entrys back...you will figure it out unless u r a retard and have no capatablity of knowing what im talking about..sucks 4 u...2day he pooped on my finger...muy gross
and ummm i mite update agian tonight cuz im gonna steal christina quiz...i aksed and she said yes...and after than im gonna enojoy falling alseep from the tunes from my iPod mini...whopeee!
i need 2 hangout with so many different people!!! too many 2 name... and now that i am mkaing money i need 2 buy some tings that r a necessity becuase now i wont b all like awwz my oney idont wanan lose u but now i have more money coming back in...so its okay...
done 4 now...