I am the worst fangirl in the world...

Nov 19, 2012 16:49

...but as you guys know: sometimes, rl just gets in the way. Le sigh.

Just wanted to send a quick broadcast out into the fandom ether to say helloooooooooo!! And hope you're all okaaaaaaaaaayyy!!

To those of you (those many, many of you) with fic sitting there unread by me... Look, I'm sure none of you have actually noticed whether I've read it or not, I'm not quite that full of myself!! But in case you have noticed - I'm sorry!! And I will get to it and leave you comments as soon as things calm down a little... timing TBC. But I mean, jeez, SOME of you (you know who you are) (**sideeyes workerbee73and bob5fic**) are making it damn difficult to stay away!! ...alas, such is life.

For those of you (those, like, two of you ;P ) who are waiting on more Tangled Up In Blue: first of all, thankyou, again, for your enthusiasm. Secondly, apologies that I'm so slow. Most importantly, though, it IS coming, it'll just be a little while. I'm at a bit of a roadblock with Chapter 2... well, more a Les Miserables-sized barricade, if I'm honest... It needs work and a clear headspace in which to work. But it's coming. Please stick with me!

And for those of you to whom I owe replies - SORRY! I am full of fail!!

...OK. I think that's everything.
All the love lovelies, yours in ridiculousness,

fandom!fail, shipper nation, oh le sigh

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