Ну, вот, например, люди взвешенно, без криков и воплей подходят к пониманию проблем индустрии и пытаются сообща сформулировать решения.
When a crisis occurs, a council of thought leaders is appointed to define the problems, develop a recovery strategy, and carry out a comprehensive action plan for restoration. This document was created for this very purpose with the collective thoughts of thousands of music pros on LinkedIn and various private forums. The finished project is now a blueprint to begin the reconstruction process. Do you have an idea, startup, service, brand, organization, or campaign that can help with one or more of the problems listed below? Do you know of projects others are working on that solve these problems? Use the #Music hashtags to tell us and join the global dialogue for a restored music industry.
With that in mind, let us identify the main problems that have threatened to destroy the vision that was born on the streets of Tin Pan Alley. Here they are, finally, all in one place and in no particular order.
Далее 17 пунктов проблем (от модели 360 градусов до р2р клиентов) с кратким описанием сути процесса:
www.restoringmusic.org/TheCrisisDocument Conclusion
We in the music industry are battling consumer thought. The public opinion has shifted to a place where music simply has no value. The average Joe feels no fear or remorse for breaking copyright laws. People buy bottled water, though it is available for free, because there is a value proposition; it is clean, cold, and portable. We aim to rebuild the value proposition for buying music. At the Restoring Music Foundation, we are not disillusioned by the loftiness of our goal, but rather reconcile with the notion that for every problem there is already a solution. They say it takes 8% of the public to agree on something new to shift the entire public opinion in a new direction. We intend to be the catalyst.
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