It's snowing!
Anyway, yesterday was Santacon, which Tom and I successfully failed at. Completely.
From PJ:
"you guys have to understand, this is your chance to get away with ANYTHING.
"Who did it?"
"the guy in the santa suit"
all 600 of us!
fruit cake catapults!
Binge drinking!
multiple santa's pukeing in the street!
misses claus stripping on a candy cane pole!
Mister clause stripping on the pole!
Apparently, we are incapable of pacing ourselves.
So, it would have been the greatest day of our relationship, but Tom took us home to get more liquor 3 hours into the 14 hour rampage and we ended up passing out drunk and sleeping through the rest of the bender. And next year Tom will be in Canada going to grad school so there will be no fun. Nobody else follows along with my bad ideas as well as him.
But during my three hours of glory I ran into cars with my bike going the wrong way up a one way street, handed out condoms to stuffy old people and moms, finally talked to the discreet prostitute who Tom and I are stalking, snuck into gay strip clubs, molested Santa hos, and was a loud obnoxious jerk to EVERYONE. Ah it was a beautiful, beautiful thing.
Tom did the nicest, most helpful thing anyone has ever done for me and it made up for the fact that he ruined Santacon. We woke up at bar close time, and went back downtown to watch the finest santas stumble home. I had an open Tilt in my hand and a cop rolls by. I fucked up, and tried to hide the beer in a painfully obvious way. Cop grabs me hard and gets in my face "Do you think I'm stupid?!?!" At this point any of my previous boyfriends would have backed away from the situation and watched things play out. But Tom handled things perfectly and took total blame for the entire situation. "It was my beer! she thought I was too drunk and took it away from me. We got in a fight outside of a bar! Seriously, she did nothing wrong" Three more cop cars roll up and I just played along in my sweetest, saddest voice. "What's going on??? Why are you hurting me? I took his beer away because he drank too much. What's going on? He was talking to this girl outside of a bar and I thought I was doing the right thing. Owww" I thought I was going to spend the night in the drunk tank, but we ended up not even getting a ticket.