Nov 02, 2004 00:22

"James is gay, And ashley is a fat, disgusting bitch."...that is a quote from jason who is ATLEAST 4times the size of kid is such a knee slapper hahaha! what a fucking jen morrison wanna be...there ya have it kids fuckin jen as a fat guy! "MY FUCKING XBOX DOSEN'T WORK! THIS IS THE SHITTIEST THING TO HAPPEN TO ME SINCE THE BIRTH OF JASON!!! FUCKIN' A!" quote from james which is the absolute truth lol ha Jasons sn istead of absolutclear87 should be absolutfat, god i hate that kid...always did and always will..that nasty shythead once told me he has to push his fat outta the way to see the full length of his dick THEN got mad that we DIDNT wanna see it .... hrm wonder y? this is also the kid that confessed how much he "wanted to fuck me since he first saw me" EWWWWWWY ::shivers:: **NEWS FLASH** ~Joey just called me upset..and to clear this up incase assholes like jason or if jen read this we like joey hes really a very cool kid...sure he might not think his place is with us "rich kids" but we will always be willing to chill and have a good time with him...he's just a very good guy and i hope he feels better soon MAD <3 JOEY!!!!~ now back to our feature presentation...well yea jasons a loser...enuff bout him...ewww he disgusts me... i cant think of n e thing else to write im sooo disgusted right now...good night
xoxoxoxoxo I LOVE YOU JAMES!!!
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