Sep 29, 2004 17:22
So, I was a lil late 2 practice... fuckers started running like 5 mins early. Not impressed. And my coach wasn't impressed w/ me, but luckily I wasn't the only 1 late 2day. Whooopsie dazie. Eh, what's a few more sets of poles gonna hurt? Can't wait till Sat. when I have to be to school by 5:30 AM!!!! God I don't even know if I dare go to sleep Friday night... I could stay with my teamates, but anytime I ever do that I end up getting less sleep than I would have gotten if I just slept at home. It's basically a big pisser if you ask me. But I am excited to play more ball. This will be our last tournament until Florida... so I gotta go big er go home! Okay, well, I'm about to go kick this exam's ass!! 5er I will be beeping you a.s.a.p! We better not have lecture before/after this fucking test! I will go insane!! WISH ME LUCK!