Early ' 16 Update

Feb 15, 2016 23:22

Well here we are. It’s Feburary 15th, 2016. I’m in my “man cave” garage attempting to log into livejournal to give anyone who may still be listening an update on the ramblings of a mid to late 30th stagnated IT dude who’s happily offset by the new dad glow that I’m trying not to flaunt everywhere I go.

I just fucking love that kid so much. In tiny ways now. But…It’s like..the seeds of love and it keeps growing with each passing month. Every time she does something it can be a bit pedestrian but she does in a way that shows she’s making progress. She’s doing her rounds as a baby. Crawling, crying, smiling. Oh man, a lot of smiling. Friggin kids happy as well.She makes me wonder how I’ve been such an asshole for so long. She’s got it down already at age 9 months of age. Just be…happy. Say hi to everyone. Act happy to see them. Bam We can learn a lot from a soon to be 1 year old. I love her, she is my life now. I come home, drive past all of the 20 and 30 something haunts as I leave Riverside and on days like today, face a breezy 25-30 minutes commute with little traffic, but when there’s no holidays…oh boy. It’s a 45 minute grind, sometimes an hour.

That part of my life , is the part I swore I’D NEVER become. The poor schmuck who commutes to and from work like..25 miles each way. The type of commute that makes it to where, when you’re home. You’re home. You don’t want to go back out because it’s too much gas and mental exhaustion. I am BURIED way down on San Jose. There’s a gauntlet of lights to run the gamut through and that’s JUST to get halfway there.. once you’ve slogged your way in the morning molasses traffic, you may catch a break and only have to ride the brakes half of the way to work, but oh no, some days it’s just straight red (on google traffic maps) It’s one of those “someone better be dead” type work commutes, where you’re just sitting around for an hour waiting to go up an inch
But, I digress. I ease away from those routes by checking ahead of time on the daily. (minus a time here or there) 95’s bleeding red with traffic congestion on the map, I take San Jose. If San Jose is backed up by school busses stopping every 4 feet, I hope over the Buckman and take the westside route, which is always reliable. San Jose is optimal since it’s only 14 miles, but the school busses slow me down a bit.

Yes this is my life now. racing to get home to let the baby sitter off so she doesn’t charge us another 7.50 a half hour. Reading good night moon on repeat….for MONTHS! Changing diapers. Wet, poopy diapers. Doesn’t make me flinch at all. It’s poop, we all poop. In a way, it’s my poop since this is my DNA. And her poop is WAY cleaner and no where near as horrific as the toxins that come out of my body. This baby is an angel and everything she produces enchanting aromas and tantalizing scents that waft gently towards your nose from her changing table. She is my little sweatheart. Too bad she looks like me, I was hoping she’d be ya know…pretty like her mom :D

I can tell the memories are flying by. I already yearn for memories of her at 3 months of age. Just pure. Couldn’t move much….even her at 2 weeks…couldn’t even hold her own head up. Now she’s reaching for every DVD on the shelf and then tossing them all down towards the ground with haste. She’s making some sounds that sound like “dadada” but she’s saying that about everything pretty much. She’s grabbing on to the edges of things but not quite walking yet. She is my little Madilyn and I love her.

I do give her rides on the back of my neck now and she hits me like that baby dinosaur hit daddy dinosaur in that show from the 90s..called…yep, you guessed it “the dinosaurs”…. “not the mamma, not the momma, not the momma!” Her two half sisters love her just like she was their full one , we’ve even had to get onto one of them once for saying “well she isn’t my REAL sister” which I’m tempted to use against them when they want dinner next time “well you’re not my real kid so…go feed yourself”
But that is it. She is my world. The days of bar hopping and hanging out until 1 am seem to have faded into the rearview for now, although I sure wouldn’t mind another night like that soon. It’s challenging finding friends in my age range who want to go out like that, even more challenging doing it in a way that won’t piss the misses off! But most challenging of all, finding someone to watch your kid so you can have fun. It’s hard to ask not work related. Welp, my 6 am wake time is closing in on me fast. I should probably get to sleep.

Peace and chicken grease livejournal.
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