Nov 06, 2004 13:10
..hola.. im at my grandma's chyllin wit my cuzin tim bc im so kewl like that.. im kinda pissed about some every one thinks i like derek.. I DEFFINTILY DONT.. jesus christ.. like..ugh its pissing me off..hes going out wit jess and i like some one else.. holy shit..WE ARE JUST FRIENDS!!!! ill say like one thing about him.. like ill just be like OO derek has black hair and every ones like YOU LIKE DEREK.. omg stfu. soo annoying.. ne way boredd...i feel bad for my cuzin i drank a whole thing and burped rite in his face lol kinda like wut i do to mike shultz every day in lunch.. hehe.. well NOT NE MORE BC MRS.MACY IS A BIITCHA DN NOW I SIT WIT SPENDS.. grrrr.....tom is sucha dick..he knocked over all the trays and got ketchup and corn and rice EVERY WHERE.. and ofcorse knowing me...had to be the bigger person i cleaned it all up... matt hand mike helped bc they r kewl.. but tom just sat there and watched.. DICK!!.. no offence keelin lol.. well im out p*Z