I'm in the army now (more of less)

Oct 28, 2007 23:19

So I as of today I am officially a member, though an unpaid one, of the Israeli army. I figured that was note-worthy enough to make me update regardless of my exhaustion levels.

It included a lot of yelling (not so much by me), a lot of waiting (quite a bit of which was done by me), and lots of other fun things, not many of which are interesting enough to retell at this late hour. Most significantly though, I believe I have finally proved without a measure of a doubt that I am very sensitive to blood and other medical yickiness. You see, as part of the becoming-a-soldier process, they prick your finger to do a DNA test, and then they give you two shots. I, never being the sort to only do things half-way, decided (subconsciously) that the best way to demonstrate the delicate-ness of my system was to go and faint. So right there, after the finger prick (where they draw, I don't know, three drops of blood), and in line for the shots, I collapsed and blacked out. It was a very exciting experience. :) I'm very pleased with myself, in hindsight, for deciding against the blood-test to register you in the national bone marrow donor data-base. I would hate to think what my reaction to that would be...

Other than that, we got uniforms which was very exciting, and got magic bus cards which was also very exciting. There endeth, pretty much, the exciting things. Although I suppose the slightly loony old man from the aguda l'ma'an hachayal deserves an honorable mention, as well as the very happifying darbuka playing when we boarded the bus to the bakum and where waved off. :)

I'm home now because Benjy's ceremony thingy for finishing part two of officer's training is tomorrow. There is was to tell on the matter, but I truly am way too exhausted.

And with that, I am (hopefully) off to bed.

--To the borders of infinity and beyond...--
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