Jan 03, 2005 10:36
thanx nick 4 updateing 4 me lol ok so i got 2 NY on monday and i had 2 do family stuff with my dad most of the time wich kinda sucked then nicked called me on tuesday thinking i was in FL asking me if i wanted 2 play poker but i was in NY so he said i ruined his joke lol then on thursday i called jackie but she was 2 busy 2 see me and cory wasn't home so i called kelly and whent 2 her house her eric chris and her sister started watching texas chainsaw massicar but i was the only1 watching it lol it took kelly and i about 9 hours 2 figure out what we were gunna do on new years lol the next day kelly and i whent 2 alexs and we cooked pancakes (wich i don't like and never have) then we made mozerella stix alex gave kelly and i cool chef hats and we tool pictures then nick came 2 get us but we weren't done then we look at the hooters girls lol we walked 2 dunkin donuts and got hot chocolate then kelly and i spent the night at nicks...haha that was fun the nick got up way 2 early 4 work we slept some more then nicks mom made me breakfast his sister is funny lol haha then kyle gave me his broken snowboard lol and thanx 2 nicks friend that he can't remeber the name of i did pretty well at snowboarding she told me i was a goffy but i'm still not sure lol then we slept 4 a while in the lodge then we whent back 2 nicks house and my dad came 2 pick me up then i called kelly and whent 2 bed at 130 and got up at 400 the plane rides whent by really fast then i whent home and slept 4 the rest of the day i am goin back 2 NY prolly for the whole summer or at least most of it