
Oct 12, 2009 18:25

Oh, "president"? I think it's time we had a long talk on our leadership skills. Or, should I say, my leadership skills, and your serious lack thereof. Really, now, this company hasn't gone anywhere in how long now? Back in Midgar, back when it all fell apart 'cause someone got a little sick, and still, even here? Old habits die hard, don't they?l Kind of pathetic, if you ask me. I would have had this entire city under my control now, and I would have been "queen" instead of that goody-two-shoes.

None of you have any ambition at all. It's really quite pathetic. Even you, Matt; this hole-in-the-wall shitplace could have a lot more suckers in here if you actually applied yourself. Is there a single person here who can pull your head out of your ass long enough to do something other than the bare minimum?

It's a wonder there hasn't been an uprising.


(OOC: Have a Door'd!Elena. She's a power-hungry ambitious bitch who wants to start a New World Order with specific, militarist lines, all with a take-no-prioners attitude. She'd sooner see you dead than help you off the ground. And no, nothing is beyond her getting the control: murder, theft, blackmail, sex. Have fun.)

..., stupid curses are stupid, strippers and nonstrippers alike, gods can't live without them, shinra, never piss off a woman with a handgun, oh come on now, hey you guys, jingle jingle go the keys, new gods = new problems, open mouth insert foot, someone's restless, gods can't live with them, pissed as all get out, i hate my job sometimes, event: raiders, rufus sir

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