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That deleted comment? Oh yes. I rock at misreading things. xxredfieldxx December 15 2008, 05:48:07 UTC
When you have a battle plan for us non-turks, let me know.


XD it's okay. I do it all the time. im_not_a_rookie December 15 2008, 05:50:33 UTC
I thought you guys were all following the leaders of the Task Force.


[Private / Unhackable] ^^;; I fail. xxredfieldxx December 15 2008, 06:01:15 UTC
Err...yeah I guess.

I don't know. You guys have a better grasp on it all and frankly, I trust you more, Elena.


[Private / Unhackable] I'm on Skype if you still want to chat. I THINK my name is Chauni on it. im_not_a_rookie December 15 2008, 06:04:13 UTC
You won't be able to take them head on; the only person I know who has and lived was Cloud. Well, and Zack, I supposed. And Tseng though, with his injuries, I suppose it's a little different. Surprise is going to be your best friend, Claire. He'll have no qualms about burning down every building your in just to get what he wants.


[Private / Unhackable] Shazammm xxredfieldxx December 15 2008, 07:27:01 UTC
So this is a really big deal then-

Everyone is running around and getting ready but no one's bothered to tell us..erm...Earthians what's going on.
I'll fight if I have to, but I'm not all that inclined to go rushing head first into danger against a crazy pyromaniac.


[Private / Unhackable] Sorry, my interenet went wonky last night, >< im_not_a_rookie December 15 2008, 17:05:33 UTC
A really big deal. Jenova was an alien destroyer of worlds. We called her "The Calamity from the Skies". Her children, which believe that they are performing her will, have nearly destroyed Gaia twice and were thrilled to do so, no remorse.

They're faster, stronger than normal people. Enhanced. Refusing to listen to logic. As long as Mother is happy, no one else matters.


[Private / Unhackable] It's fine bb! I was wondering where you went on Skype. :< xxredfieldxx December 16 2008, 21:55:10 UTC
Oh. Joy.


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