
Jul 18, 2008 13:04

Filtered FROM Wesker//Unhackable

Attention all those associating with one Albert Wesker:

It would be in your best interests to be exceedingly careful in his presence. While it appears he is without knowledge of his future later acts, I can't tell whether this is a ploy or not since he has a long history of double crossing all those he works with.

The Wesker that I am accustomed with has been infected with the virus, something that isn't on my world and only learned through increased communications and dealings with most of you. Wesker also has a wonderful habit of kidnapping people, stealing samples of their blood, and killing them, also incidences I'm sure you don't remember. Since his arrival, he has been nothing more than a constant threat and danger to the people of this city. At one point, he kidnapped both one Shu and the president, Rufus Shinra, infected Shu and sent him to infect the president before my eyes. He has killed your sister, Chris. Claire was her name. The Mansion? His doing. Enrico? His doing. Raccoon City? He was involved! He has shown me the creatures he made, something called a Licker (which, might I add, was hideously gross).

There is no way I can know about any of these things unless I heard them from him or you; I don't even belong in your world!

For those unaware, we are currently locked in a god's whim, where the higher up's decide to make our stay a little more entertaining by inflicting different curses on us that last a week. The zombies and the blood rain were a nice touch, but what we're primarily dealing with is the age/memory alteration. At the present, with some of our most dangerous threats weakened, I think we might have a small shot of doing something.

As it stands, I think the best course of action would be to restrain him for the duration of this event. While I know it's difficult to believe in someone who is saying things that you don't remember, understand that I have nothing to gain by this venture. If in the course of one week he doesn't revert back to all of his virused glory, twisted, manipulative self, then I'll be the first to apologize and let him go.

There is nothing to lose in this venture.

hey you guys, wesker is a meanie

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