The Director Tseng-sir is here? And he's injured? Why didn't anyone tell me?! Is anyone with him?
Schuldig, I'm sorry, but with him being here, especially injured, I'm going to be tied up at work for awhile. You understand, right? I'll be home as soon as I can. I promise.
And, no one be alarmed, but I lost my contacts. I got them from the gods after I was injected by Hojo to hide the green, but one slipped out. Rather than going around with mismatched eyes, I took the other one out. Just as a forewarning.
I'm on my way to see Tseng now. Does this mean I'm losing my promotion? I...wouldn't feel right directing the former director.
Private to Sephiroth//So Unhackable It Hurts
I miss you already, brother.