139 - Shit...

Apr 08, 2008 14:37

Ondrea, I'm coming back home for a bit. If Reno has moved in like I asked him to, please insist that he at least leaves half the bed open for me so that I don't have to take that flat, painful couch. If he hasn't, then yay, bed completely for me. I almost forgot what that might feel like.

Private to Self//Unhackable

Dammit, I just wanted to do something! Something, anything, and now... now...

I fucked up. I did, but I don't care! I did it for the right reasons! Sure, it was that reckless "jump before I think" thing that I'm known for, but... Schuldig...and I ... I ...


And the worst part is...I don't know if I would change it if I could. I don't know if I regret it yet. I hope I never do.

I hate sleeping alone.

home again!, ..., oh fuzck, wesker is a meanie, mister shu sir, can't believe i'm doing this, i hate being wrong, open mouth insert foot, hojo, don't kill me please, schuldig, i'm living where?, what have i done?, oh come on now

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