73 - Reno! You have orders!

Jan 31, 2008 13:09

I need you to either vacate the house or the bedroom today. Go find someone to bug spend your time with, preferably Rude.

Oh, but leave the brownies. If you take those, I might have to send Nathan to attack you with a permanent marker in the middle of the night.

Filtered from Val//Available to everyone else

How does one really have girly talks? My sister and I weren't ever really that close, so... we never did anything like that.

What does it entail? Is there anything I shouldn't discuss? I mean, usually I talk about work, but I have a feeling that sort of thing isn't appropriate here.

Private to Val//Unhackable

I'm sending Reno out so we have at least a room to ourselves. It all depends on how lazy he's feeling to see how far away he goes.

I'm ready when you are! Or...well... when you can shoo him off, anyway.

Private to Claire//Unhackable

Did you want to come over for brownies and girltalk and...um... other stuff that girly nights entail? I know I owe it to you from awhile ago, but I think things are calmed down enough to do it now!

claire, reno you slacker, help, girl talk

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