
Jan 23, 2005 19:08

So, I'm single. I've been single for quite awhile. For the most part it's been good, but I'm ready for it to be over.

Now, there's this girl that I like, or rather a girl whom until recently I had liked but now I am liking less each day. I haven't told too many people about it because she's not very popular with my friends. Enough not popular for me to be a bit clandestine about any sort of interactions I have with her, but not so unpopular as for me to stop trying altogether.

So, I sent this girl an email. I really think it was the best way of contacting her. I mean, I interact with her for maybe a few minutes per week, if that, and it's always in a throng of people. Plus, I don't know her phone number.

The email said three things: 1., the obligatory compliment about her eyes; 2. that I wanted to get to know her better; and 3., would she mind if I called to ask her out to dinner.

It's been three days since I sent that email and she hasn't replied. Now, this can mean one of several things - I could have gotten her email address wrong, her computer could be broken, she hasn't gotten around to checking it or to responding to it, etc. But all of those things are doubtful. I assume that that's her way of saying no. And I think that's pretty lame.

I mean, I feel like I had to come up with a significant piece of chutzpah to send that email, and she just ignored it. Bah. Girls. Maybe I'll have to start asking them out in person.
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