The presidency

Oct 03, 2004 00:13

I'm starting to feel a bit disillusioned. It looks like Bush is still ahead in the polls, even though he is as sharp as a bag of wet hair. Kerry proved in the first debate that he has the intelligence, the character and the leadership ability to make an outstanding president, and our current one can do nothing besides instill fear and spread lies, who can't even pronounce simple words or speak proper English. And still more people want Bush to be president than want Kerry.

My question is this - Kerry has done an outstanding job in the face of the Bush-propaganda-and-hate-machine, he has a better foreign policy, he has a better domestic policy, he's more intelligent and has a better grasp on the issues, and he crushed Bush in the first debate and most likely mop the floor with him twice more in the coming weeks. The only reasons that I can think of where anyone would vote for Bush are stubbornness, fear, greed and ignorance. If Kerry absolutely couldn't have done a better job and we still re-elect Bush, what does that say about America?

In the words of Jeaneanne Garrofolo, "A vote for Bush is a character flaw". I truly in my heart believe that at this point. I just don't understand how so many people can back a man who is so flagrantly abusing the power of his office. And if he's re-elected, I'll be ashamed to be an American, just like I was ashamed when we started the whole "Freedom Fries" crap, or when we invaded Iraq without the backing of the UN. I understand why the world hates us. I would hate America too if I lived anywhere else. Not only are we greedy, violent and obnoxious, but we're too stupid and stubborn to get rid of a leader who is going to hell and bringing the entire world with him.

Gah, it's so frustrating! So many people can't see the repercussions of their actions. Our current foreign policy of preemptive war is sowing the seeds for a huge crop of new terrorists. We can't control everyone all the time. Our leaders must understand that we do not have that type of power - the world operates on the idea of shared control. And Bush obviously doesn't see anyone else as having the ability to make decisions. What he decides is right 100% of the time, and he will never reverse or alter his plans, come hell or high water. That's not being a leader. That's somewhere between a dictator and a lemming.

It's so obvious that Bush needs to be replaced. I'm so sick of idiots.
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