1. To ask very big questions. 2. You. And me. And everyone we know. And everyone we don't know. And everyone that ever was. And everyone that ever will be. And everyone that could have been but wasn't. And every thought. And every action... blah, blah, blah, everything. 3. I think there are a lot of extenuating circumstances that could throw this one either way.
Hmm, #3 reminds me of our recycling discussion from Santa Cruz weekend. I figure any action you take, however small, earns you karma points and does make the world better in a small way.
Comments 2
2. You. And me. And everyone we know. And everyone we don't know. And everyone that ever was. And everyone that ever will be. And everyone that could have been but wasn't. And every thought. And every action... blah, blah, blah, everything.
3. I think there are a lot of extenuating circumstances that could throw this one either way.
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