Could this be the End or the Beginning

May 10, 2009 12:33

Final Thoughts

So you want to know what I think about it now
I was going to make tonight my way to find a way to you
I could have gone the distance for you where no one else would
I could have been that man at the end of the road

Right now I still feel all alone
Trapped in the vast ocean on a sinking ship
The only thing I can say is pull me out or just push me under
This is your decision because you’re the only one that can save me now

I’m caught in the corner of an endless room
With nowhere else to go but through you
Should I stay or should I go
I want both but am so lost with the lights off

I sometimes lose hope on this
I just want to find a home that I can call my own
All eyes are on me
Whether I shine or fade away is what I’m waiting for

This is the last time you will have me
You're what is both good and bad
I have fueled this for some time now
Make no mistake this is about you

So should we choose each other
Let’s make a run from this town
Let’s get out of here for now
This is my sweet dream coming true

I could be found standing on the edge
I would jump off for you
I would die for you
If it means something to you
Blinded by what you could give me

So now I feel like just in the middle
Walking through a mist
With all colors and shades of gray
And should you choose to come in the world will be brighter

You have made this heart feel what could have been once lost
You have melted the ice with a fire from inside
And the spell is broke which I thought could last forever
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