Jan 07, 2008 23:33
Birthday: Presumably a different date every year, since he wasn't born on Earth.
Age: "Officially, as his people see age, he can't be much older than Nita or Kit." That's about the equivalent of 15-16.
Height: "Nearly as tall as Nita's dad." He's probably 6'1" - 6'3"
Weight: Who knows.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blond
Physical traits: He looks like an anime character. I'm assuming this is like... shojo fantasy style, with the super long hair and ridiculous good looks, so he's probably slender and has like... seriously long legs or something. Also he is either decked out in the most embroidered and bejeweled stuff you'll ever lay eyes on or else wearing a large floppy t-shirt. [See here for more details on appearance.] Appearance meme to be added.
Medical Info: Claims he can't get cavities....?
Wizard Stats
power level: 6.0-6.8 ± 0.5
specialty: stellar dynamics, stellar atmospheres and kinetics
consultant level: 3.6
Basically this means he's good with stars. He can take and direct light or matter from a star into like... laserbeams and bombs, okay. But mostly this ability is to make sure the star his planet revolves around doesn't fry the planet. He's also got some talent with retroengineering spells, which basically is modifying spells that have already been set up.
Notes for the Psychics: Uh. Fear of the sun exploding flaring up and slagging Earth?
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: I'm not sure yet. Presumably anything will be fine to mention. He has some emo-triggers but nothing he can't deal with. Maybe try not to sneak up on him when you're first getting to know him. His people have a habit of trying to assassinate his family.
Can I Shapeshift/Bodyswap/Spit At/Step On/Etc: Give me a ping if you're interested!
Hugging/Kissing/Other Non-Violent Physical Contact: He will be deeply confused by it, but I certainly don't mind!
Maim/Murder/Death: Uh, no. He'll come back and make you miserable.
Emo/Angst/Drama: XD I don't know why you'd want to tell him about it, but go ahead.
Cooking: Hahaha, no. Servants do that for him.