Natalie explained to me today that the food I eat goes to my boobs, so I can feed babies because I'm a girl.
Then she poked my boobs and put a tape measure down my bra.
She's a fruit loop.
Dear Mr. Kring,
I adore Heroes, was a big Crossing Jordan fan too, but why must you keep turning pairings I like into incest?
Nathan/Sylar, Peter/Sylar, Angela/Sylar, heck even Clarie/Sylar
Srsly, dude, why must the pretty people all be related?
P.S. Cheers for all the shirtless Mohinder.
Barney in love is so freaking adorable and huggable. Neil Patrick Harris is some sort of acting God.
And I agree with Marshall, you can't marry someone who doesn't like Star Wars.
Yikes, I never wear a seat belt in a limo. I clearly need to.
Erica trying to be a better teacher is cute but I want her and Callie to be making out now, please.
Telling Meredith to quit bitching gets you an icicle in the gut? So not fair.
Also watching: Fringe, 90210, Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Stargate Atlantis, The Big Bang Theory, Australian Idol, America's Next Top Model (cycle ten, I think), Burn Notice, House, Life, and repeats of Scrubs.
Waiting for: Brothers and Sisters, Dexter, Chuck, Pushing Daisies, Private Practice, 30 Rock and, is it Januray yet, BSG and Lost.
Yes, I am aware I have a TV problem.