Mar 23, 2007 13:18
I spent the past few hours with one of UNLV's finest cameras. haha. A thirty pound masterpiece. I actually did enjoy using the 4X5 camera, although it would have been much more pleasant if the damn thing would mount on the tripod without wobble. And if the cable release worked. And if the blanket didn't smell like a nursing home. But its for "art" so .... hahaha what a twat. So after I painstakingly set up my shots the camera moves everytime I load the film so we will see what develops. Haha. A camera joke. I am clever. I am in charge of the darkroom tomorrow so thats when I will get to see if anything comes out. I hope so, although I only need two prints for the critique. But they better be damn tasty. I also have to gather my prints for my portfolio and to submit for the group show. I am hoping I don't have to do too many reprints. Boo hoo. I also have registered for my classes in the summer and next semester... and then I'M DONE. Graduated. Splendid. So the quick rundown...
Summer.... Digital Photo, Independent Study (photo), Color photo, and Water based media.
Fall...... Adv. B&W Photo, Hi Renn. Art Hist, So. Baroque Art Hist, Art Since 1945, and Anthropology.