I like mean girls

Oct 15, 2004 22:27

so I just finished watching mean girls and first off, I love lindsay, second... aaron is sooo hot! and third... i decided im really gunna try to not talk bad about people... its gunna be hard but i think I can do it! but yeah not only is that movie hilarious its also got a really good moral! we should watch that at school and have mr pacilio analyze it for us bitches! but yeah... can i just say I LOVE "I caught fire" by the used it reminds me of what i would say to the boyfriend i dont have! but yes i am very excited for the concert on sunday! im melting in your eyes i love my place could stay a while and im melting in your eyes like my first time that i caught fire just stay with me lay with me NOW! BUT OOOOMMMMMFFFFGGGG ITS DESERT SEASON! AND I CAN NOT WAIT UNTIL NOVEMBER 13TH AND 14TH CUZ I AM GOING TO THE DESERT! AND OMG THE THOUGHT OF THAT IS ORGASMIC! I JUST NEED TO CONTROL MYSELF! okay there we go... but ummm yeah mr brandon is really hot and i hope he takes molly's place when she leaves even though she is irreplacable but yeah... life is kinda strange now... everything seems perfect on the surface but everything is wrong underneath and it makes me frustrated... i feel alone when im surrounded by my friends... kinda used in a way but oh well... I still love them all to death and there's only 284 days till Germany! yay but seriously im going to bed cuz i have psats in the morning... major bummer... but seeing as how im really smart and all i should get atleast 138976 bucks in scholarship money. but wish me luck anyway! i'll need it... okay peace out napoleons

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