Oct 26, 2005 15:19
I just made myself feel gross, with stupid horrible jealousy issues. I need to not think about it, and just move forward. And maybe just deal with the fact that HE isn't good enough, not the other way around. I'm sticking to my "not until Christmas" pledge, and my only exception to the rule has now been eliminated.
Time to stop being lame and overly-sensitive, deal with the fact that I'm not anyone's equal, and get off the train to pity city. I hate when other people do it, so why should I jump on board?
I'm going on a trip. Excitement for this trip is being weakly masked. I don't know how many people know, but if you don't know yet, you probably aren't supposed to. Or I just don't give two shits about your input on my decisions in life.
There's no action...