Jan 03, 2005 21:28
Have you...
[x] drank
[ ] smoked pot
[x] rode in a taxi
[ ] been dumped
[ ] shoplifted
[ ] been fired
[ ] been in a fistfight...I wish.
[ ] had sex
[ ] had a threesome
[x] snuck out of your parents house
[ ] been arrested
[ ] stole something from your job
[ ] celebrated new years in time square
[ ] went on a blind date
[x] lied to a friend
[?] had a crush on a teacher ...um gross
[ ] celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
[ ] been to europe
[x] been to Mexico
[x] skipped school
[x] streaked
[ ] thrown up from drinking
[x] played clue
[x] had a sleepover with friends
[ ] lost your sibling
[x] went ice skating
[ ] broke someone's heart ...um maybe?
[x] had your heart broken
[x] skinny dipped
[ ] cheated on a bf/gf
[ ] been in love (doubt it)
[ ] been cheated on
[ ] had a sweet sixteen
[x] been to a concert
[ ] had a car
[x] drove
Do you...
[ ] have a bf
[ ] have a gf
[?] have a crush...wouldnt you like to know
[x] feel loved
[x] feel lonely
[ ] feel happy
[ ] hate yourself(sometimes)
[x]own a cat
[ ] think you’re attractive
[ ] have your own room
[x] listen to rock
[ ] listen to soul
[ ] listen to reggae
[x] listen to techno
[x] own a dog
[ ] live with both parents
[ ] bite your nails
[ ] paint your nails
[x] get good grades
[x] wear boxers
[x] have more than one best friend
[x] wear black eyeliner
[ ] play an instrument
[x] have slippers
[ ] cyber...haha Ashley.
[x] like the color blue
[x] like the color red
[x] like the color green
[x] like to read
[ ] like to write
[?] have long hair...kinda?
[x] have a cell phone
[ ] have a laptop
[ ] have a pager
[ ] own a ps2
[ ] like anime
[x] speak more than 1 language....to an extent
[x] get along with others
[x] have enemies
Are you...
[ ] ugly
[ ] pretty
[x] ok
[x] bored
[ ] happy
[?] bilingual
[x] white
[ ] black...I wish.
[ ] Hispanic
[ ] Asian
[ ] pacific islander
[x] more than 1 ethnicity
[x]short :-(
[ ]tall
[ ]grounded
[ ] sick
[x] a virgin
[x] lazy
[x] ticklish
[x] tired
[x] looking
[ ] aiming someone
[ ] hungry
[x] single
[ ] talking
[x] thirsty
[ ] on the phone
[x] in your room
[ ] homophobic
[ ] racist
Mad Props to Casey for that one.
I love you Casey.
Im bored. I still have homework to do, but I hate homework and school.
School pretty much sucked today. It was really weird. People who were like my greatest friends at school, I dont even talk to anymore. It sucks and makes me really sad. And I don't have many classes with my friends. Clair is in a bunch of my classes, so that is way cool. Nicole and Stephen are in some and so is my cuz which is cool. But my third hour is 9th science, so I have like no friends in that class. :-( and my sixth hour is intro to art, which I didnt even want to take, and there are a lot of 7th graders in that class. I really wish it was like last semester, I had classes with a lot of my friends. And things werent so weird. I just wish things were back to the way they were. Everything would be great. But that will never happen.