Dec 23, 2004 13:20
Everyone can burn in hell for all I care, except elena and my soccer team. I really feel like I have no friends at my school anymore. I feel so left out of everything latley. I never get invited to anything anymore. Everyone always goes off and does there thing wit out me. Everyone is changing, for the worse. Why cant it be the way it was before? We were all great friends and no stupid people interfered! I dont see how one person can fuck everything up so badly. :-0 God! I fuckin hate this!
I am in a really bad mood. It would be worse, but I have my dear Elena, whom I love ever so much. I really dont know what I would do with out you Elena. You are my bestestestest friend ever and I hope that never changes. We are goin on a rampage together!! What fun that should be.
Well, I Hate People And Thats What It All Comes Down Too.