that kid is driving me nuts. (the first tab, the other three are fine.)
see the timestamp? that was less than 10 seconds after i signed on.
and at the same time..
Strykyer: i can shrink it down, and you can link it to
http://www.deathgraphix.tkStrykyer: please sign up...and promote
Strykyer: seriously, this would mean alot
Strykyer: if there was even anything that i was serious about, it's this
Strykyer: and you know me when i'm serious, i'm actually serious
KkitMkatD: hahaha remember that time when you were going to sell porn.
Strykyer: "going to"?
KkitMkatD: you did?!
Strykyer: nah
Strykyer: haha
KkitMkatD: exactly..
Strykyer: but i had before i told you many years ago
Strykyer: like....5 years ago
KkitMkatD: gross
Strykyer: yah
Strykyer: it was good for a little while hah
KkitMkatD: ew
Strykyer: yah
Strykyer: like...once i think
KkitMkatD: lol
KkitMkatD: whyd i say lol?!
Strykyer: i dunno
Strykyer: please sign up for our site, introduce yourself, get the ball rolling ====>
http://www.deathgraphix.tkStrykyer: we'll construct something for you to put on your myspace page and stuff....
KkitMkatD: but i do that by myself.
Strykyer: no i mean we will construct you something really really really good to display our one would want to click on something boring would they?
Strykyer: it would have to be something like mine
KkitMkatD: but i dont want to.
KkitMkatD: i barely ever use stuff like that
Strykyer: :-(
he sounds like a salesman.. or something.
and at the same time.
another one.
TheLovingDefeat: k so uhm. problemo.
KkitMkatD: about
TheLovingDefeat: cory.
KkitMkatD: what happened?
TheLovingDefeat: no matter what i do, i cant stop thinking about him. nothing bad happened. if anything, its good. but..agh. im like...completely crazy about him and its like..overwhelming. i dont know why or what to do.
KkitMkatD: -nods-
TheLovingDefeat: nod!? what does that mean!
KkitMkatD: it means i agree with you that youre crazy over him, but i have no clue what to tell you, i guess you should just talk to him (HAHAHA LOOK AT ME BEING A HYPOCRIT.) anyway. all you two talk about is God. i've heard you. like, talk about OTHER things now and then, switch it up a bit, i'm sure he has more to him than being a Christian.
and. at the same time.
xbandgeekx15: heyy
KkitMkatD: hi
xbandgeekx15: watz ^
in OTHER news.
we had a fire drill first period. cold?
second period daigle was being a meany.
third was just dumb.
fourth was amazingly interestingly awesome cause we learned about the salem witchcraft trials via television.
sixth we had the test.
eighth was lunch...?
nineth through eleventh we had lab, katie wasnt there and tom asked sam "is fatty here today?" and sam was like "nah" and i screamed "THATS MEAN!" and they laughed. sam was my lab partner today. we rule.
twelveth, i got an 85 on the arco test that i didnt study for. amazing?!
i'm done.