Well, I Am Home and I am Totally Exhausted!

May 30, 2005 06:43

...but BOY did I have a GREAT time! Best Con I've been to in like...forever! They were getting dull or something...

...the guests were wonderful...so friendly and kind and approachable...

...got my books autographed and found out George's new book should FINALLY be coming out!

Attendance was WAY up and it wasn't all those really weird pocket protector people, but lots of people from really diverse backgrounds! It was a blast! Made a new lesbian friend too. Totally lip-stick lesbian and we giggled like crazy talking about how we couldn't stand each other's genitalia and how we BOTH knew that we were GAY/LESBIAN. Her name was Amanda and her nick name is Demanda! LOL! I love it and would take it but chilangito says I'm supposed to be Naughty Boy!


I partied until like 3:30 in the morning on Friday at least and staggered back to my room and our hottie straight roommate was totally zonked out and I thought about peeking under his covers to finally get a look at his stuff (I hate that word "junk" cuz baby, dicks are NOT junk!!), but I was good and I didn't...

Had lots of fun the next day and the masquerade was fun, if small. More friends showed up and lots of hugging was done. Art show was incredible and I almost bought this hot piece with this mostly naked guy but just didn't have the budget.

Saw the two people who are going to be in charge of the Convention next year and they are going to be WAY fun. One of them was in the masquerade as Darth Barbie! She was historical! OMG! I thought I would DIE laughing. The other one was this hot little bear, daddy-type. Bordering on too stocky (he can lose some weight!), but so sweet, and sexy, and funny, and real, and handsome and... ...YES!!! He's gay! I just wanted to climb in his lap and say, "Oh, I love you Daddy...and I've been a baaaaaad boy!"

You know, I like young guys and even smooth guys and all! I do! But every time I've slept with a guy in his 30s or 40s, they are sooooooooooooo fucking good in BED! I mean, OMG! They do things with their tounges and finders that drive me WILD! They really know how to fuck, whether they are giving it or taking it!

Did buy this amazing piece of blue amber! WOW! Did you even know that amber came in blue?? I sure didn't... Lady said it makes up only two tenths of one percent of all the amber found. And I got it for a good price!!!!! And the bear bought a blue amber ring!

The only bad thing that happened was the HOTTIE convention roommate who I've been wearing down over the last couple of years (and whose gotten a divorce and whose been finally starting to look at me like I'm candy) suddenly got real lucky and got laid twice (by women!). So I didn't get him after all. DAMN! He had never ever roomed with anyone and wanted to room with two gay guys! Two gay guys that he knew wanted him!

I guess he got scared... Oh, well...

I did finally see his stuff. He would never show it to me cuz he said he was embarrassed that it was too small. It wasn't. He'd been scratching his crotch while he was laying there snoring and his stuff fell out the leg hole of his underwear and there it was! Big old balls and a short fat softy only making me wonder how big it got went it was hard! I was very nice. And then he starts rubbing it and I am like...he's got to be teasing me! But suddenly he covers up and turns over and I guess he chickened out again!

But that was okay! Still had nice sex with my sweetie.

AND there is this other straight guy I've lusted after for a long time and his new wife pushed my hand down his pants and told me to fondle to my heart's content! I couldn't believe it! And later he was wearing a leather kilt and let me get a damn good luck underneath! VERY nice dick! AND his wife said I could do a lot more than that as long as she could take pictures but...I just wasn't ready for that. Who knows where they'd turn up!?!?

And had a great weekend and I'm worn out and think I need to go back to bed a rest some more!

Hope you all are having a GREAT Memorial Day Weekend!
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