May 23, 2005 11:33
well i'm like sick right now and it totally sucks because my immune system totally sucks, and that just sucks all together. i have to go back to school in about a hour though because i've missed a lot of gym [suckers!] and my mom doesn't want me to appeal and i have 5 right now and 1 more will set me off, but it's only like a hour i have to suffer then i can come back home and sleep. wait, i'm tired of sleeping. ha! tired, sleeping. i crack myself up it's bad, must be the pain i'm in. sorry guys for my weridness.
so this is an interesting story, i was cleaning out our little dirty pond thing this weekend and my dad comes out and looks around and goes "where's the grill?" i have no idea, what the heck am i gunna do with it? so i ask my mom where she put it, and she didn't put it anywhere, nor anyone else. so then we go csi hunting and yet we can see the tracks and pieces that someone sadly stole our grill. what a bunch of losers, it wasn't even a good grill either. hahahaha suckers! so we're just laughing because it sucked anyways and we were gunna get a new one, but we called the police anyways just to get them around the ghetto neighborhood. well then this morning [i'm sick and lying in the pain in my bed] and my sister walks in my mom and says our bikes are gone, meaning stolen. i even paid for my own bike, bbbbbbbbb, i'll let it go. so we lost three bikes and a grill, seriously it's ridiclious [or whatever]! so i'm thinking about doing an all nighter thing and then i'll like run and scream and jump on their backs and then they'll shot me. so i just wanted to wish you all a farewell.
i love you all [mostly avery's friend hahahah] but i still have deep feelings for you all.
and now i must deport to the loser of all loser lands. pennfiiii eldld.d.dd.d.kfd;glkg.
eh i can't even right it because it's such a loserrrr!