Jul 29, 2004 12:36
1. Kelly i don't think you should quit the live journal business. B/c i like reading your lj.
2. Its been awhile since ive posted.
3. Im going through some stuff that i just dont know what to do about.
Well Umm..Yeah life's okay. Since Ive last posted ive had a birthday which was nice. Kelly & Alicia thru me a surprise partay which was totally surprising and i was glad they did that for me. it was cool b/c a lot of ppl that i dindt expect to come, came. A certain someone came, and i was really glad that they came b/c i got to go over some...what do you call it ..."unfinished business". I'm happy with the results ive come to find. :-D. The only thing that wasn't good about it was the fact that Gary decided to be an ass to me. Just like he's been for the past 7 days since. Its totally messed up. I have no idea what to do bout it..alls i know is that he is totally bringing me down and I'm just not able to deal with it. When i get brought down i end up staying down. :-/ I gotta do something.....
Went to the Toby Keith and Kenny chesney concerts this week. They were good. I enjoyed the Toby concert better except for the fact that the ppl that were behind us kept yelling at us b/c we were standing up. But who ever heard of going to a concert and sitting down the WHOLE TIME??? yeah me either.