More sims 3 pic spam! Not as large this time. The hospital seems to have become my second home. I've not been very well recently, well not for about 6 months, and I am just constantly having appointments with different doctors and specialists. They think I have chronic fatigue syndrome (or M.E), but we need another specialist's opinion first to be certain.
Going to start making sims and sorting out a neighbourhood for a challenge I'll be doing in sims 2 soon, as well. I am really looking forward to that, hopefully I'll find it enjoyable.
Anyway onto the sims 3 pic spam....
So Maggie goes to visit Chris at his house. I always wanted to be able to do that in sims 2, and it works great in sims 3.
Maggie proposes, after woohoo! Lol at Chris's face...and PJs!
Another awww moment! Didn't get a picture of the marriage...I think I was pressing the wrong hotkey when trying to take one. They just had a small private one.
While Maggie and Chris sleep, lets check on our favourite ghostie!
He is made of awesome!
Maggie wakes up in the morning not feeling to well.
Chris thinks he knows the problem, but Maggie isn't amused. She has just been sick. Baby is on the way!
Even if she is going to be a mother, she can still have some fun! I love these faces!
So I have installing various mods and new defaults, to find out what I want....
Here is what Maggie looks like with all EA original eyes and skintones. I am one of the many people who doesn't really like the sims 3 look. They have been growing on me nowI have played more, but I still feel they need a dose of custom content...
EA skintone,
Aikea Guniea Eyes. Getting better! The eyes are just gorgeous. I recommend to everyone!
Aikea Guniea Skintones,
Aikea Guniea Eyes. Amazing! These skintones are so well done and make such a difference! They are for toddler to elder too!
Even though I loved aikea guniea's skintones, I decided to try out
these faces by M.Calero, pairing them with
HP's body textures. And wooow! I love these faces! They are just right, not to shining, not to realistic as is my taste, but the shadows and lips are stunning! Love them! I think I prefer aikea-guniea's body texture to HP's but they are not compatiable with these gorgeous faces, so I'll use HP's for now. Seriously though whoever said these sims had no hope....and I am looking forward to creating better sims, with some practise on how to use CAS, a CAS slider hack, and gorgeous custom content.
Anyway! While Maggie was at home being sick and feeling sorry for herself, Chris was out and about the town. I love how you can just flick between sims in a family really quickly no matter where they are...just wish we could do that with the whole town (and maybe we will be able to in the future....reading through modders forums, they seem to be working towards that.) So Chris went to get a job at the bookshop...
...just because it's pretty!
Then went to a fisherman's favourite haunt....
...before heading home.
Back home, Maggie's bump is beggining to grow!
She announced her pregnancy to Chis, when he got home, even though he probably already knew. Chris wants a girl and Maggie wants a boy.
Something very strange happened that night at the graveyard. A load of the ghosts got into cars and drove away from the graveyard. I didn't even know they could do that!
I followed my favourite, and he went an unoccupied house, then just disappeared into thin air. (Funnily enough it was the house I was planning to move Maggie and Chris into once they have saved up enough. Coincidence much?) I managed another one as well, and he went to a different unoccupied house as well, then again just disappeared.
Early morning and the graveyard was deserted. I don't know whether all the ghosts went driving (I counted 5 but I may have missed some), but it was really strange! I have visited the graveyard almost every night and never seen this before! Anyone else witnessed this?