I love this game!

Jun 18, 2009 12:42

I really do! I thought I would be really annoyed with myself for spending £30 on a game I was sure I going to hate, but I am actually really enjoying it! To be honest it doesn't really feel like sequel to TS2. I mean I don't think it really improves and adds to the game, like the change between TS2 and TS1, it feels more like a completly different take on the theme and idea of the sims.  Don't get me wrong there are many, many annoying problems with it, but most of those I think can be fixed and I am still loving it! I think I am going to do a list of positives and negatives on it at some point but I want to get at least 2nd Gen before I do that. For now just enjoy my random and wierd screenshots (56 pictures behind the cut!)!

So while my sim Maggie is sleeping, because the fastest *cough* speeds are super, super slow, I have to find something to do otherwise I would be bored out of my mind. Well, it's the ghosts that have saved my sanity! I really hated the idea of these ghosts when I first heard about them (there was a lot of stuff in this game that I thought I would hate!) but I actually find them really amusing! And I love how they look. Still not sure about baby ghosts and aging ghosts, think that is a bit too wierd, but I am going to try it out. I might be proved wrong again! Anway here are some pictures from the graveyard...

These girls turned up one night, and just stood there all night talking, I thought they must have been up to something. I mean why would you all meet in the middle of the night outside a graveyard? Hmm. I think the ghosts thought so too, because they kept crowding round them, like the were listening.

One of the ghosts favourite things to do is make things float. Thought it was funny when this other ghost sat down on the floating bench.

But the ghost in the chair wasn't impressed.

Another ghost is making the lampost float.

This my favourite ghost! He spent a whole night talking to himself and getting angry!

I don't think any of the ghosts like each other...

Of course my other favourite thing to do while Maggie is at work or asleep is take pictures of the neighbourhood.

Okay back onto sims!

These two are Maggie's work partners at the police station.

Maggie playing chess with Christoper Steel. These two really get along and Maggie had a few wishes to talk to him, so I decided he should be the first sim to try out romantic interactions with.

But unfortunately, Chris seems to have a lot of stalkers. And most of them are male. Maybe something to with his traits? So this guy kept wanting to talk to Chris while I was trying to get Maggie and Chris's relationship up.

But Chris wasn't impressed... haha!

Eventually the stalker left Chris alone, and went to go and annoy another police officer instead.

So Maggie and Chris could get back to flirting!

First fire!!!

HAHA! That expression!

Oh. My. God! That has to be the coolest fire engine in existence!

Coolest fire fighter ever as well!

"I hate my job."

"Woah...Did something just happen?"

"Why the hell should I have to bring your bills? You should come and collect them if you want to pay them!!! GRRR!"

She than slammed them on the floor and ran for it! LOL! I dunno what Maggie was supposed to have done! She payed her last bills and everything.

Onto my next favourite thing to do while Maggie's working. Townie spotting!

"You think I am fit right? RIGHT?"

"I am so fit right?", he says asking the woman who had followed him right round the park.

"Say I am...or you DIE!"

But she wasn't interested in him, just his lunch.

Another one of Chris's stalkers, who followed him and Maggie to another park, where I had sent them hoping they could be alone.

But Stalker #2 just sat there and watched them the whole time.

And then he completly freaked out when they kissed, so I think he had a thing for Chris...

Stil haven't replaced the oven from the fire, so Maggie's living on salads. Not that she minds being athletic.

Maggie off to meet Chris in another place, which is a long way from the town, so hopefully it will be quieter. There quite a way to run.

She met Chris halfway there, who was also running.

And this is where they were heading.

And it is completly deserted so yay!

Even though there are a few re-used animations from TS2, the new ones are lovely.  And I might be the only person, but I love how relationships are set out, with the whole mood thing, and it recognises Chris as Maggie's 'boyfriend' not just 'crush'.

Seriously, this is what made me certain that I love this game. The romantic interactions are adorable, and I just love how there is more of a mood to it. And they keep smiling at each other and whispering even when not doing a specific interaction instead of just staring at each other. I love it!

It was getting late so after a kiss goodbye they headed home.

And this is how they left the beach!

That's it for today!

- pictures, # sims 3, - ramblings

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