Aug 30, 2004 12:52
this dying wish: lolocopter
this dying wish: lolocaust
this dying wish: lolerbating
this dying wish:
this dying wish: i have paint on me
fa fa fags: hahha from?
fa fa fags: mspaint?!
this dying wish: ...
this dying wish: WTF
this dying wish: no usually i like rolling around naked in paint with other men
this dying wish: LOLLOLLLLLL!
this dying wish: \0/
this dying wish:*\0/*
this dying wish: lololol
fa fa fags: :-[
this dying wish: <3
fa fa fags: :-*
this dying wish: :-*
this dying wish: want a LOLipop?
fa fa fags: only yours
this dying wish: oooooooooooo ok