(no subject)

Aug 16, 2006 20:10


The weekend was pretty much Giesha. My phone was stolen at Shotz. Then on Monday...dropping Jade and her mum at the gym and BAM! one of the CV joints on my car breaks and ball bareings fall out of my car...(this is what the mechanic told me...I really dont know what in hell happend)

So yeah, paying for towing and repairs cost me around $400. Now I have to figure out what the deal is with my phone...probably gonna cost a whole heap more $$

Despite all this, i'm really very happy at the moment. It's annoying when you have to fork over wads of cash for things that are out of your control. But hey, its only money. I can get it back. I think my life is finally heading in the direction I want it to. Pretty stoked on that. I don't know...some things have changed, but not alot...I think its more to do with my out look on things more so than anything. Yeah, I give life two thumbs up at the moment...


The Smashing Pumpkins were one of the most influencial bands of the 90's. Believe it.
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