i am at danielles house

Dec 28, 2004 15:39

i think it is so nice that i have a best friend who lives around the corner and i can basically walk in whenever i want. i can go there and eat her food, or watch tv, or watch her clean her room hahahah. i can be like come with me to stop and shop or i need to pick up my sister i am taking u for the ride. i love it. i wished all my best friends lived around the corner. better yet, i wish we could all live on the same block. and just go from one house to the next, party to party, tv to tv. how cool would that be?. dont get me wrong i would drop anything to go out to lynbrook or RVC but c'mon if we lived on the same block that would the hottest thing ever. i just dont know what i am going to do next year when all the people who mean the most too me will be soo far away. one willl be down south in vanderbilt, and another in boston, and one still on long island, one down in jersey, maybe another in PA, and me hopefully upstate. theres others too, but theres no need it writing them bc it would just go on and on... like the tulleys, they will have each other granted they go to the same school, and they will kinda have like a piece of SHA with them ya know? guarennted i am the only one at college wearing an effin ribbon in my hair! hahahah. i dont wanna start all over again! ahhh ! but imonna not think about that anymore, right now anyway, and just focus on the time i have left here with the best friends a girl can ask for. <333

last nite i went too patricks house out in the 631. hahaha wow suffolk is a bit boondockish. anyways, me and lisa went out there, almost missed the train, we didnt even know what train we were taking or from where. i am def not good with that whole LIRR thing. yeah so we were on the train for a longggg time, and the o'donnells, hah the family in front of us, was drunk and they missed there stop it was soo funny.. the didnt even realize until the last stop. wow gotta stop drinking the buds on the train. thanks. so center reach was fun. me and lisa beat up pat, i wouldnt be surprised if he had many black and blues. hes going doen to north carolina to seee simon who i havent seen in like 8028375 years. i wanted to go. ahhhh nice weather. yeah so that was last night.

went to SHA this morning with dee for some yearbook, then i had to drivee on over to RVC for spirit which ran late and by the time i got back to yearbook, they were ready to leave. t.fo brought in bagels. yumm. hopefully tonight there will be somethingg to do. thanks.

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