Jul 06, 2004 13:51
Okay Renae, you lowered yourself to the point where you are going to devote a whole livejournal entry to me...so I suppose I will do the same. Okay. I hope you know where you are going with your life babe, because hearts, rainbows, drugs and 311 will not take you very far. And neither will whining and crying about every damn thing until you get your way. Do you know how intolerable it is to hear you talk about hearts, rainbows, 311 and drugs all day? and then when i tell you you're getting annoying, you just start to cry as if your problems are gonna go away. we go to gina's house...and you just start crying up a storm and creating a scene in front of everyone as if they are just gonna drop what they're doing and tend to your problem because you think you're more important thatn them. well buddy, you're not more important than them, and that's why you left in a pissed off rage. you need to realize that you're not better than people just because you have money. you weren't satisfied with me because i didn't put you first because i had more important things to do...and i wasn't satisfied with, well, anything really. it was kinda intense to have to sit there and have you get into this four hour long talk about how you love the rainbow and how you view life and even life after death around the rainbow. well you need to get out of your little fucking happy land because it is honestly to the point where it is pathetic dude. sorry, but it's the truth and no one has enough balls to tell you that. you're 18, and you have the mentality of someone who is like literally 13. That's rough dude. and it's also rough, the fact that you go to your mom's birthday party just to get money from her, and then start balling and storm off because she actually stepped up to you. it's also rough and utterly pathetic that we go to this person's house and you start crying due to the fact that you were having some sort of withdrawls and you werent getting drugs that night so as soon as you seen other people get drugs your eyes got all buggy and you just had to leave. and leave me stranded at that because i had something that you wanted. you know what else is rough? i read through your livejournal, and all i ever see is about how you're always sad...and you're always crying about everything. nothing is ever going the way you want it as it seems. i read something on there. "this sucks so much...there is no food. i just wanna sit and cry" . dude get over yourself. quit fucking crying about everything and get up and take some initative for problems in your life. i mean godamn. maybe if you hadn't taken so much drugs then you wouldn't you wouldn't be an emotionally impaired manic depressant. oh yeah speaking of livejournal...remember my comment before?
2004-06-20 20:13 (link)
so much drama and bullshit...but who provokes it? who bitches about the shit because they aren't satified with how things are because they're not constantly getting money thrown at them and shit isn't falling right into their lap anymore...(no need for a question mark...that was retorical) yes, indeed, people do suck. people suck because they constantly bitch about shit because they aren't getting their way. people suck because they believe rumors that shitty people will say before believing the actual person. they'll believe a shitty, unreliable source before they'll actually even think about attempting to take real information and facts into consideration for even a brief moment. people do suck because they just run away from their problems rather than taking care of them. they encounter a problem; and rather than talking about it or taking the initiative to solve it, they run away. "i created a problem, but i'm just going to run away." or better yet, "i'm just going to move." people like that suck. i don't see how someone would just come to a place, and once they encounter problems, they just move. either that, or see how money could solve the problem. someone says they have a problem, but they are just going to hide from it, or push it away. well for those people, that's not going to get you very far. people have to grow up. i think someone like that needs to realize that they aren't in school anymore, and their parents aren't going to throw money at them anymore, so they need to get a fucking job and grow up and make something of themself, rather than crying and whining to get their way because at this age, that wont get that person very far. people like that also need to realize the people in their life who are there to help this person, and who is there to manipulate and take advantage of that person. i suppose this person shouldn't even need help because they need to learn how to be independent, but apparently that's not going to happen, so a little help would probably be greatly appreciated; rather than eliminating that person from their life because of shitty people in their life. well whatever, this is getting confusing. what i am trying to say is that you need help. no one is telling you this, so i will assume responsibility to tell you this. and watch...your supposed "friends" are going to contradict what i am saying, but this isn't about me. your friends are going to say that you don't have a problem because they are just trying to make you happy. but, from a friends standpoint, i am going to point out your faults, so you can attempt to better yourself as a person. yes, it may hurt, but it needs to be said, because certain people in your life who claim to be your friends see your faults, but won't say anything because they are afraid to offend you. and as soon as someone comes into your life trying to better you, you take that for granted. well whatever, i tried. bye.
but yeah dude...fuck off. didn't you see that night that I jumped out of YOUR car because I was fed up with YOUR stupid shit? I mean come on...i was not gonna deal with you bitching for a 45 minute car ride and crying because you are having withdrawls when i could've just chilled and had a kick ass relaxed night (which i did end up having). so tight. i didn't have to fight with you over a lost cause. bye dude.