(no subject)

Mar 19, 2006 21:15

i had to write an essay in SAT class yesterday
and it was about whether or not you believe challenges in your life make you stronger or not.
and it really got me thinking...
has this move and all the drama and tribulations it's brought given me more strength?
because logically, that's what should've happened,
but it seems like the longer i'm away from florida and my true friends,
the more broken down i become;
emotionally, mentally, even physically.
i don't understand why all this had to happen,
and i don't understand why nothing good has happened to make me sit back and think,
ohhhh, THAT'S why i had to go through all of this.
THAT'S why my fate was to move across the country.
nothing has happened.
nothing at all.
and it's really starting to frustrate me.
all this shit is building up and i can't seem to make anything positive come from it.
i just don't understand.
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