Nov 16, 2009 17:04

9 more weeks to go. Scared? Yes?
I've heard a lot of negative things about the epidural that I don't want to risk it and be another one of those womens that end up having backaches for the rest of their lives. So I am planning on having natural birth if possible. But who knows maybe at the end ill be crying and demanding for the shot.
Last weekend on the 7th my friends from work had a baby shower for me. It was not a lot of people just people from work, it was fun though. Guys were actually playing the games, measuring my stomach and drinking vodka outta baby bottles.
This weekend that just passed my dad, mom and carlos threw a surprise baby shower for me. It was sweet. I was just standing there in the middle of the crowd surprised of course and with watery eyes. This one was with family
The WEIRD Thing is that my dad did EVERYTHING! He was according to me "at work" while mom was at home mydad cut vegetables and cooked. Set up everything chairs, tables, etc. Oh I forgot to mention it was at my aunts house in the valley. The other surprise was my tio papes, tia rosalba, cousin juan, and cousin fabiola came from gridley, which is about 7-8 hrs away from l.a. They came just for my baby shower. How nice. I received a lot of baby clothes. Al I need is a crib, a car seat, and the strollers. Of course I need lil things here and there but I got the most important things.
Sometimes I get depressed when I am driving down the street listening to the music they played at the club. My addiction. I think how I can't get "drunk as fuck", come home at 10 am the next day or not come home at all. Go where ever I wanted. I didn't have to worry that someone at home was waiting for me to be taken care of by me.. Waiting to see me.
But when I feel my baby kick or just spin around in my belly I forget about all that and feel this urge to see him.
Is he gonna have curly hair like me and carlos? Is he gonna have our color eyes cus me and carlos have light brown eyes. What about his eyelashes? R they gonna be big? Like ours? And I do hope he does not have his nose!
I don't wanna be a bad mom and be like those moms who leave their babies anywhere just to go out and be at the party of the week. Get trashed.. And pick up their baby the next day whenever they wake up.

Anyway, Carlos now lives with me. We hace a married life where we pay rent and worry about having enough for next week's bill.
It sucks growing up.
For my bday I had a dinner.
Its amazing how when u have get togethers u realize who is yr friend.
I think about inviting them because to me they r important persons in my life. I take the time to invite them and give them the address, double check if they received it.
Some excuses they give me are the worst. Just because they don't like a person who I am going with, because they don't like that person's house, because its too crowded. Or because they just simply don't wanna go.
People are selfish and don't deserve my friendship.
Do u remember yr moms saying "no hay mejores amigas tu unica amiga soy yo"
It is not being "sentida" it is realizing that I shouldn't put any effort into certain friendships or maybe it is just growing up.
I prob. Don't make sense.

Ok enough of my ranting.
Next month I go on disability dec. 20th will be my last day of work. I need to get on disability now. This backache is killing me!

9 more weeks.
Jan. 17th. My baby is supposed to be here.

I hardly update because I don't have internet and I gotta type on the sidekick my life story.
Too much

Kk till nextttttt update.
Maybe later when/if I have the time or internet or computer, lol, I will post pictures of me and my belly.
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