New Hamham

Sep 10, 2006 17:31

I got a new Hamster today ^^. I dunno what I want to name him yet though. It will probably be a girl name though, poor thing xD. The lady at the store who helped me was really nice. I got to go back in the little hamster area and pick up whatever ones I wanted. She was kinda afraid of hamsters so she was like "i'll just let you do it". lol. The one I got wasn't the cutest but all the others were super bitchy and he seemed pretty nice. The lady told me I should work there because I would be really good at it. While I was filling out the adoption sheet I was like "I'm not 18 what should I have my sister sign it she is? and the lady was like "just sign it" and she looked away. xD. When I was checking out the lady at the counter was like "Oh can I see him" so I showed her and she told me that she had some at home too. So I get it to my dads house and it started to make scary noises at me and I started to freak out and my dad was like "calm down, it'll be ok". So I finally get him home and I tried to pick him up to put him in his cage and he growled at me. I didn't even know hamsters could do that. So i used my pooper scooper. xD. He is fine now, I just don't think he liked the box he was in.

my new hamham.

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