Jun 07, 2008 18:28
So the big countdown has begun. Rogie, Thomas and I have started packing the garage. We've also washed and de-rat-ified many of the boxes. I've decided that I'm not all that fond of wild rats and look forward to a garage without them. They sure chewed up a lot of crap.
It was so kind of Thomas to come and help us. We'd be totally lost without him.
I am almost done with grades. I shall be done with them tomorrow, rain or shine. Yes, I'm feeling pretty darn stressed about now.
I'm also elated. The principal confirmed that I have a job in 5th next year. That's awesome! Especially since I'll be paying a mortgage soon.
A mortgage! I'm happy about the house. We did our final walkthrough today. We'll be able to buy almost all the furniture for a fire sale price. We'll even get the TV and DVD player, fridge, bed (a California king!) and washer/dryer. We'll get the garden tools, plates, cups and dishwasher. We'll have four recliners! That's crazy.
The best thing ever is that the house has an alarm system. We didn't know that, but it's totally equipped to annoy the bejeezus out of our neighbors at the slightest intrusion. There's even a panic button from the bed that you can push if you hear someone coming but forgot the set it. How cool is that?
Also cool: the mail comes right through a slot in our door. Now that's laziness! That makes me happy because there will be no angry mail carriers. Our current carrier gets angry and writes us nasty notes if we fail to pick up our [junk] mail everyday. There'll be none of that with a mailbox the size of our living room!
We learned that a happy couple lived there all this time. They had dogs, and grandchildren came to visit. They sat under a plastic gazebo (that they are leaving us) for family gatherings. They are sad/nostalgic to sell the house, but we seem like the perfect couple and we assured them that we would take good care of the place.
We also checked out our Albertson's. It passed inspection. Never underestimate the importance of the local grocery store!