Although Chuck was fairly certain that he wouldn't appreciate the snow half as much if it hadn't been for the week of suffocating heat that preceded it, the fact was that even just the change in scenery was refreshing. The season was well under way, and while it wouldn't be Christmas in New York, or Monaco, or anywhere that Chuck had ever spent the
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It's maybe not the nicest thing to start off greeting someone with, but when Blair's in the mood to talk, she'll talk how she wants to, rules of etiquette be damned. Besides it's Chuck and while she may have approached him, it doesn't mean that she has to be all flowers and sunshine about it. Pulling her wool hat down a bit, she smirked.
"Careful there or you'll start to look like Humphrey."
"So, does all this meet with your approval?" She was dressed for it, certainly. Chuck had found the opportunity to wear winter clothing more refreshing than he might have anticipated; just another thing that was keeping New York on his mind. "If not, I'm sure there's someone you can speak to, put a stop to it."
"Hot tub? I should've guessed," Blair rolled her eyes, not even wanting to put up the effort to pretend to be horrified. Afterall back in New York they'd call that a Tuesday night. "I like the weather, mostly. I mean you can't have Christmas without a passing notice of snow."
He started slowly back in the direction of the path; he had no particular destination in mind, but it was too cold to just stand. "Been to sit on Santa's lap and give him your wishlist yet? I'd ask if you'd been naughty or nice this year, but I'm fairly sure I already know the answer."
Walking after him, she waved a hand dismissively. "I have been a saint. I don't know what you're talking about."
"Point taken. We're a delightful pair of sinners then aren't we?"
"Holiday spirit, except it's distinct lack of proper New York style cheer here."
"I can offer none of that," he shrugged, not feeling particularly bad about it. If Blair wanted the kind of guy who would chop down a tree for her, she'd been seriously misguided for a very long time. "The next best thing might be the rec room, I suppose. Fireplaces, now, and I'd think we could talk the bookshelf into giving up some seasonally appropriate film."
"It would have to be White Christmas, because as much as I love a drunken Jimmy Stewart It's A Wonderful Life gets boring fast."
Tapping her fingers, she pulled a few things off of it before finally catching the one she wanted. "Perfect. Hardly any funny business."
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