
Apr 19, 2006 20:59

Have you ever simply sat down and just let your mind wander..

It truly is amazing the things one begins to think about when not preoccupied by the trivial tasks of day to day life.

As I was sitting in my room today, I thought to myself, "self, why do people care so much?" and think as I did, I couldnt come up with a real answer.

At first, I thought, "because we need to fit in" but that didnt really give a reason as to WHY we care. All that did was lead to the question, why do we need to fit in? So I began to think..

"why do we need to fit in?"
"because we dont want to be alone."
"why dont we want to be alone?"
"we are afraid."
"Of what? Why is it that we would change everything about ourselves to 'fit in' with people so that we arent alone? What is it we fear?"
"Well, we simply have the need to be understood. Its human nature, therefore, we care because we cannot be understood if we are alone."

Thats as close to an answer as I can come to...But still, I wonder...

I say to myself "self,what would happen if we didnt care? What then? What if people simply stopped caring what others thought or how they felt?"
"Oh that would be bad!" I reply. " the world would be full of senseless violence then..but then again it already is.."
"So would it really be any different?"
"I suppose not, but it would be a rather lonely place.."

Once again I have stumped myself... So, with one last thought I come back to reality and leave it for another day...

"If the world would not be signifcantly different without care of what others thought, why then, are we afraid of lonliness?"

One day the answer will be revealed...but then again, Do we really want to know?
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